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Albert Pintat Santolaria

Albert Pintat, Max Fuld, Adria Pintat (my uncle)

Leah Fuld (my sister), Albert Pintat, Max Fuld
Albert Pintat Santolaria
Family Life
Albert Pintat Santolaria, born in 1943, is my maternal grandfather. He graduated from the University of Fribourg in Switzerland where he majored in economics. He embarked his political journey in 1995 when he served as Ambassador to the European Union, and to Switzerland, and also to the United Kingdom. Following this, he was a member of the Liberal Party of Andorra, and was the foreign minister for five years. In 2005, he was appointed by the General Council to hold the position of head of government for four years. Beyond his political achievements, my grandfather is a man of many endeavors. Still today, he continues to maintain his father's fishing business, known as Casa Pintat. Additionally he is also involved in the Andorran banking world where he also prolongs his father's legacy, who was the founder of the primary bank of Andorra. The reason why I admire my grandfather, is because he has had such an immense impact on Andorra via his leadership and hard work. Nonetheless he has had been able to balance all of his tasks while being fully invested in his family life. Him and my grandmother, Carmen Rossell, have three children; Sara (my mother), Adria, and Clara. Each of their three children have now had their own three children- adding up to a total of nine grandkids.

Antoni Pintat Argerich (my great grandfather), Albert Pintat Santolaria , David Fuld (my father), Max Fuld (me)
Political Life and Achievements

Albert Pintat Santolaria, President of Andorra May 27th, 2005 - June 5th, 2009

New York Times Article *

From left to right: Carmen Rossell, George Bush, Laura Bush, Albert Pintat Santolaria

Carmen Rossell, Albert Pintat Santolaria , Hu Jintao (President of the People's Republic of China), Liu Yongqing
Pope John Paul II, Albert Pintat Santolaria

Article in Diari D'Andorra, November 22nd, 2016*

Albert Pintat Santolaria , plan to help reduce pollution (Linia Taronja)*

Bus Linia Taronja

Albert Pintat Santolaria's inaugural presidential lunch. May 30th, 2005

Meeting of the small Europeans: Monaco, Iceland, Luxembourg, San Marino, Liechtentein

Meeting with Pope Benedict XVI

Pedro Solbes Ministro de Economia de España

The general assembly of the UN

Angel Gurria, Director of the OECD

Jose Socrates, Portuguese Premier

Cardinal Bertone: Prime Minister of the Vatican (Secretary of State)
(only photos with *'s are cited)
Remaining photos are from Albert Pintat's personal collection.
Barron, James. “From Tiny Andorra to the U.N. Center Stage.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 22 Sept. 2006,
Doral, Alba. “Albert Pintat: Un Home De Clan.”, 22 Nov. 2016,
Augustin, Byron. Andorra. Marshall Cavendish Benchmark, 2009.
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